Do you want to know what rhymes with Need You? Here's a comprehensive list of words perfectly rhyming with Need You.
Complete Phrase Rhymes
These phrases follow a similar pattern to "Need You" and rhyme with it:
Read YouLead YouFeed YouSeed YouSpeed YouDeed YouIndeed YouProceed YouExceed YouSucceed YouNeed ToProceed ToRead ThroughLead NewFeed CrewSeed DewSpeed ViewDeed TrueIndeed NewProceed You
Click on any phrase above to see phrases that rhyme with it.
Response Phrases
These phrases could follow after "Need You" in conversation or lyrics:
I'm Here For YouAlways Near YouWant YouFear YouHear YouClear ViewHold YouMold YouGold TooNever BlueSee YouBe With YouGreet YouDefeat YouCompete With YouComplete YouRetweet YouRepeat To YouDefend YouAmend You
Line Starters (for poetry/lyrics)
These could begin a line that rhymes with a line ending in "Need You":
In times I need youwhen I'm with youbefore I meet youafter I greet yousince I've known youif I lose youby the time I see youonce I find youevery moment I'm near youas I hold youwhile I mold youbecause I need youthough I fear youwhen I hear youif I hold yousince I read youas I lead youby the time I feed you
Extended Rhyming Phrases
Longer phrases or sentences that incorporate rhymes with "Need You":
You're the one I need to proceed within my heart I proceed to read youevery step I take to succeed youwith you by my side I can exceed youtogether we can plant a seed to feed youour love will be the speed to lead youthrough life's journey I'll always proceed to meet youwith every breath I'll make a deed to greet youour bond will forever be the creed to keep youI'll be the one to help you achieve and compete with youin your eyes my heart will always read youforever with you is where I want to proceed towith you I know we'll find our way to succeed you.