75 Phrases That Rhymes With Saying Yes To You

Do you want to know what rhymes with Saying Yes To You? Here's a comprehensive list of words perfectly rhyming with Saying Yes To You.

Complete Phrase Rhymes

These phrases follow a similar pattern to "Saying Yes To You" and rhyme with it:

Saying No To YouPlaying Games With YouMaking Plans For YouTaking Chances On YouBreaking Rules For YouMaking Moves Towards YouFaking Smiles At YouCreating Art For YouWaiting Patiently For YouParticipating Fully With YouDonating Time To YouGenerating Love For YouIllustrating Life With YouDesigning Dreams For YouComposing Music For YouBuilding Bridges To YouFinding Strength In YouOpening Hearts To YouRising Above With YouSinking Deep Into You

Click on any phrase above to see phrases that rhyme with it.

Response Phrases

These phrases could follow after "Saying Yes To You" in conversation or lyrics:

I'm All About YouMy Heart Belongs To YouForever And Always TrueIn Your Eyes I See It TooWith Every Beat I'm Thinking Of YouThrough The Years I'll Be Loving YouIn Your Arms Is Where I Want To DoAnything That Makes You Happy TooWith You By My Side I Feel Brand NewTogether Our Love Will See Us ThroughHand In Hand We'll Make It Work For YouSide By Side We'll Take The Journey To YouStep By Step We'll Find Our Way To YouBreath By Breath I'll Love You TrueBeat By Beat My Heart Belongs To YouNight And Day I'll Be Thinking Of YouEvery Moment I'll Be Loving YouThrough Joy And Tears I'll Be Here For YouIn Sickness And Health I'll Be TrueFor Richer Or Poorer I'll Love You

Line Starters (for poetry/lyrics)

These could begin a line that rhymes with a line ending in "Saying Yes To You":

In the silence I'm sayingWith every breath I'm prayingThrough the noise I'm callingAcross the miles I'm fallingInto your eyes I'm seeingWith each heartbeat I'm feelingThrough the night I'm dreamingBeyond the stars I'm reachingIn your touch I'm believingWith your kiss I'm meltingInto your love I'm sinkingWith your voice I'm soaringIn your arms I'm findingThrough your love I'm healingWith your heart I'm beatingIn your soul I'm meetingAcross the universe I'm calling

Extended Rhyming Phrases

Longer phrases or sentences that incorporate rhymes with "Saying Yes To You":

In the stillness of the night I'm whispering low to youWith the morning sun I'm rising to pursueThe dreams we've made are the ones I'm living for youEvery step I take is one that's leading me to youThrough life's ups and downs I'm holding on to youWith every breath I'm loving youIn your eyes my heart is renewing tooWith each passing day I'm falling more in love with youThe love we share is one that's forever shining trueIn your arms is where I find my peace with youWith your love my heart is beating anewThe world may be unkind but with you I'm feeling brand newTogether our love will see us through the darkest night to youWith every kiss I'm sealing my love forever to youIn your touch I'm finding solace and a love that's real to youThe love we have is one that's standing the test of time for youWith you by my side I know we'll make it throughThe journey of life is one that's meant for me and you.