85 Phrases That Rhymes With Someone New For You

Do you want to know what rhymes with Someone New For You? Here's a comprehensive list of words perfectly rhyming with Someone New For You.

Complete Phrase Rhymes

These phrases follow a similar pattern to "Someone New For You" and rhyme with it:

Someone True For YouSomeone New To ViewSomeone Waiting For YouSomeone Looking At YouSomeone Thinking Of YouSomeone Bringing It To YouSomeone Singing To YouSomeone Dancing With YouSomeone Talking To YouSomeone Listening To YouSomeone Running From YouSomeone Hiding From YouSomeone Searching For YouSomeone Caring For YouSomeone Praying For YouSomeone Wishing On YouSomeone Focusing On YouSomeone Counting On YouSomeone Depending On YouSomeone Believing In You

Click on any phrase above to see phrases that rhyme with it.

Response Phrases

These phrases could follow after "Someone New For You" in conversation or lyrics:

That's Someone New For YouNow Someone's Waiting For YouMaybe Someone's Out There For YouHopefully Someone's Coming Through For YouIf You're Looking For Someone New For YouWhen You Find Someone Special For YouUntil You Meet Someone New For YouAfter You've Found Someone True For YouIf You Need Someone There For YouWhenever You Want Someone Near YouBecause You Deserve Someone Real For YouSince You're Searching For Someone New For YouAlthough You've Found Someone New For YouUnless You're Happy With Someone New For YouYou'll Find Someone Perfect For YouBecause Someone's Meant To Be For YouIf Someone's Meant To Be With YouWhen Someone's Ready For YouUntil Someone Shows Up For YouMaybe Someone's The One For You

Line Starters (for poetry/lyrics)

These could begin a line that rhymes with a line ending in "Someone New For You":

When I seeAs I viewIf you're lookingBecause you needSince you wantIf you're searchingUntil you findAfter you've metWhen you realizeIf you're readyBecause you deserveAlthough you've triedUnless you're happyYou'll know whenIf it's meant to beWhen the time isAs you're waitingIf you're patientSince you're worthyIf you believeWhen someone appears

Extended Rhyming Phrases

Longer phrases or sentences that incorporate rhymes with "Someone New For You":

You'll find someone who loves youSomeone will be waiting there for youIt's time to meet someone new to viewDon't worrysomeone's on their way to youKeep searchingsomeone's out there to break throughYou deserve someone who cares for youSomeone will come along and see youIt's just a matter of time before someone's true to youYou'll know when someone's the one for youJust be patient and someone will come shining throughSomeone will bring joy and love to youDon't give up hopesomeone's meant to be with youYou'll find someone who's perfect and new for youSomeone will change your life and see you throughIt's never too late to find someone who's real for youSomeone will love you for who you areit's trueYou'll find someone who's kind and gentle with youSomeone will be your partner and see you throughYou'll know when someone's the oneit's meant to be you.